Read for Deep Understanding
There’s no point in reading the wisdom of the ancient philosophers if you’re just going to casually skim it. Personal growth requires you to read for deep understanding.
There’s no point in reading the wisdom of the ancient philosophers if you’re just going to casually skim it. Personal growth requires you to read for deep understanding.
If you become very rich, it doesn’t solve all your problems. It doesn’t give you free reign to break the rules or avoid consequences. It’s an illusion.
Setting goals is important, but it’s just as important to review each day after it happens.
If you don’t have a morning ritual yet, now’s the time to develop one. It provides stability and consistency, and a chance to examine yourself every day to ensure you’re staying on the path you’ve chosen.
Sometimes, if you lose track of your goals, or lose focus or discipline, it can feel like you’ve gone off the rails. No need to start from scratch, just hit the restart button!
Whether you find yourself in a great situation and on top of the world, or whether you’re in a low and ugly place — you always have your freedom of choice. Use it!
Sometimes you just have to stop and smell whatever flower you’re in front of. Make time for these small moments and find joy in your ability to seek out the beauty of nature.
You’ve come to the right place. And you’ve read the right things, and you’ve found what appears to be the truth. Now it’s time to simply put in the work.
How are you making decisions? Chances are, you’re using old habits and fear-based thinking. It’s time to change that, and challenge your habits!
If you want to be calm and peaceful, you have to believe fully in the plan that you’ve set out for yourself. New info and opinions will come and go, but true tranquility comes from self-confidence in your path.