imperfect action

Just Put In Work

You’ve come to the right place. And you’ve read the right things, and you’ve found what appears to be the truth. Now it’s time to simply put in the work.

Stop Wandering About!

So here we are, on the last day of December, watching the final embers of this year burn out. It’s time to toss aside the old, and get ready for the new. What have you gained this year?

Put It In Your Own Words

If you’ve noticed that some stoic concepts are repeated across the writings of philosophers, then you’re not alone. Put it into your own words, by taking action and proving it out.

Pragmatism, Not Perfectionism

Perfectionism is something we joke about, but it’s no laughing matter. It holds us back and brings us down. Pragmatism doesn’t have these problems.

Start From Where the World Is

Accept the current reality as it’s handed to you, and take action. You can still change the world, but first you have to start with where it is.

Perfection Is Not the Goal

Don’t wait for perfect conditions that may never come… instead embrace the imperfect nature of the world and move forward anyway.

Make It Happen

You can spend forever thinking about who you want to be, and what you want out of life. Or you can make it happen.


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