Philosophy Is Medicine
View the study of philosophy not as something that you have to do, but something that you want to do because it will keep you healthy. Philosophy is medicine for the soul if you take it every day.
View the study of philosophy not as something that you have to do, but something that you want to do because it will keep you healthy. Philosophy is medicine for the soul if you take it every day.
You don’t have to know everything that’s happening in the world. You might actually be doing yourself a favor if you remained clueless about all the scandals and crises in the news.
Do you want to be excellent at a few things, or ‘kind of okay’ at many things? Trying to digest all the information coming at you means that you’ll simply get distracted and master nothing. Focus on mastering only a few things, instead.
Who are the wise people in your life? Who are the wise people you admire? Observe their behavior and their values, and emulate them in your own life.
Improving your outlook in life requires conscious and deliberate effort, and it takes time to train your mind! Focus on these three areas to achieve maximum effect.
You have the natural power to eliminate false impressions from your mind — to remove evil and desire when they arise in you. Use it!
You can hustle after the official prize — more money, more things, more status, more bling. Or you can keep your eyes on the real prize and reap the benefits.