Month: November 2023

Now and Forevermore

You are not that special — everything you’re experiencing now has been felt already, by someone who came before you. History has repeated itself many times over, and will do so again, forever.

Four Things to Remember

Marcus Aurelius sat down one day and decided that he needed to spell out four things (for himself) to remember. This is that list of key guidelines for his life.

Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged

Is there anything more pointless than judging other people? Philosophy teaches us to spend time improving ourselves, not in the arrogant pursuit of improving others.

Nothing Stands Still

No matter how much you might wish for things to remain the same, that’s an exercise in futility. Nothing stands still — life is change.

Choose Your Own Adventure

Events in our life aren’t good or bad — they’re just events. You have a choice on how to respond, and whether to view them in a positive or negative light.

Complaining is Draining

Nobody likes to hear a complainer — so don’t do it. It achieves nothing anyway. Even more important, never complain even to yourself! Fill your thoughts with positivity instead.

The Buck Stops With You

When it comes to things within the power of your choice, the responsibility and accountability lies with you — nobody else.

It’s How You React

Things are going to happen in your life, sometimes bad things. It’s not those things that bring you sadness or stress, actually. It’s how you react — and you have a choice in that.


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