Month: November 2023

An Endless Cycle

The thoughts and cares of each generation are repeated again and again by the next. An endless cycle of humanity’s joys and fears, forgotten to history yet continuing forever.

Everything Changes, Always

Change is the constant state of the universe, and what gives it meaning. It’s always growing, always evolving — and how you view it depends on your perspective.

You Are an Actor, Not the Playwright

You’re an actor in a play — you aren’t actually the playwright. Your mission is to accept the character you’ve been assigned, and fulfill that role to the best of your ability.

How to Be Truly Powerful

It is possible to go eye to eye with the rich and powerful — but it isn’t money, position, or reputation that will get you there.

Fate is Always Twisting

If you’ve had good fortune, there’s no guarantee that your luck will continue. All you can be certain of is that fate is always twisting.

Change Isn’t Good or Bad

Why do people say that “change is good”? Because naturally we dread change, and we tend to automatically assume it’s bad. News flash: it’s neither.

Nature’s Orders!

We accept anything a doctor says as “doctor’s orders”. What if we said the same when nature dials up something unpleasant for us?

Aligning Your Will with Fate

The future is going to happen how it’s going to happen, whether you like it or not. Why not match up what you want with what’s going to happen?

Amor Fati — the Love of Fate

What if you could love what has already happened, even if you actually wanted something else to happen — and love what will happen in the future too, even if you would prefer something else? What if you could ‘love fate’? Wouldn’t that be easier?


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