You Are the Raw Material

Every profession has a resource that is needed for production. You are that raw material in the mission of yourself, and you need to be worked on.

A Reputation Worth Having

Do you want to be known for your fancy lifestyle and insta-worthy photos? Or do you want to have a reputation for doing the right thing and helping people?

Show, Not Tell

Talk is cheap! So are ideas, and thoughts — they’re not worth much. Demonstrate what you’ve learned instead of verbalizing it.

Make It Happen

You can spend forever thinking about who you want to be, and what you want out of life. Or you can make it happen.

What’s on the Inside

Philosophy isn’t about outward displays. That’s not important anyway. It’s what’s on the inside that counts.

Your Character Guides Your Truth

You’re a character! You’re different from everyone else in the world. And that means that what’s right and rational behavior for you is different, too.

Wanting = Working

The more you want things, the more you have to work. That’s the trade-off. Are you okay with that?


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