Month: August 2023

Pragmatism, Not Perfectionism

Perfectionism is something we joke about, but it’s no laughing matter. It holds us back and brings us down. Pragmatism doesn’t have these problems.

Keep Things Superficial

Stick to your first impressions. Keep it surface-level until you have more information. Don’t jump to conclusions!

Start From Where the World Is

Accept the current reality as it’s handed to you, and take action. You can still change the world, but first you have to start with where it is.

Driven, Yet Ethical

You can be driven in your career, and in your life, without forsaking your ethical obligation. Whatever situation you find yourself in, doing the right thing is always an option.

Silence is a Tool. Use It!

Talking a lot is what insecure people do. Wise people don’t do that. They spend most of their time listening and learning. But you can’t do that if you’re always talking.

Set Aside the Situation

Our situation is often outside of our control. Set that aside, and focus on what you can control: your reaction, and what you do next.

Learning in Difficult Situations

When life deals you an unfair hand and it seems to block you from your plan, don’t give up – there’s always an opportunity to learn through your challenge.


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