Month: December 2023

What Bravery Means

Bravery doesn’t often mean what we portray it to be in the movies, nor what it looks like on the surface. Real bravery is about shunning your own protection to help others.

Trade Your Time for Full Value

Your time is valuable! Don’t trade it for meaningless and unimportant things. Don’t give it to people who aren’t going to respect it. Make sure you trade your time for the full value it deserves.

Be Stingy with Your Time

We protect our possessions, our property, our money. But we freely give away our time and energy. Why? Time is the one thing that can’t be regained — we should be more stingy with it.

Conquer Grief Now

Don’t put off the processing of grief. Getting your mind off it simply delays the inevitable processing that needs to happen — the only way you’ll truly conquer your grief is if you deal with it immediately.

Your Bonus Life Begins Now

Imagine this: today was your day to die, but somehow you’ve been granted a bonus life. What will you do with this extra time you’ve been given, and what will you fill it with?

The Sword of Damocles

The hammer could drop at any moment. You’re not guaranteed to live forever. The sword could fall on your head, bringing your premature and untimely demise. What are you going to do about it?

Terrible Thoughts… For the Win?

Keep your mind full of terrible thoughts — what a strange concept! And very counter-intuitive. There is a benefit here, however, that escapes us at first glance and is worth investigating.

You Don’t Own Much

All the things that you think you own — you don’t really. Any number of events could rip them away from you. You don’t own much at all, in fact, aside from your life and your reasoned choice.

No Prizes

You don’t win anything when you practice stoicism. You don’t get rich, you don’t get any material possessions from it. You do, however, gain personal growth in your life.

Live Like a Dying Person

Actually, you are dying — every day takes you one step closer toward your final destination, toward the end of your adventure on Earth. Act like it!


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